NATI00NS virtual kick-off meeting

On 16-17 November 2022, NATI00NS' virtual kick-off meeting took place, organised by the project coordinator, Aarhus University.
NATI00NS supports the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe across national communities in the Member States and Associated Countries. Our main objective is reaching out to and preparing regional and national stakeholders to apply for and implement soil health LivingLabs and Lighthouses (LLs), facilitating the deployment of the Mission during most of its first ‘induction and pilot’ phase (2021 – 2025).
Over the next two years, NATI00NS will act as a messenger of the Mission, organising national and thematic events, raising awareness and providing access to quality-checked capacity building materials and information, spurring the discussions on the best LL setups to address regional soil needs, and fostering early matchmaking for cross-regional LL clusters.
We will organise national engagement sessions and provide access to capacity building materials and information across 44 Member States & Associated Countries.
Let's work together to facilitate the transition towards healthy soils by 2030!